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Some random, rambling poem I just came up with just now.

Posted: Thu May 06, 2010 9:47 am
by Miss Emma
Like smoke in a closet, I was gasping on thick air
felt my eyes glaze as I let them stare
at some distant point of light
that seemed utterly ridiculous.

Weakly, I fumbled, let out some mumble
as I tried to open the door.
I hear the door click; become unsure.

Is it safe -- out there?
in some foreign air.
Will I breathe, or fall face down, with blue lips.
I'm not ready for some trips.

So I lay down, where --perhaps-- the air is a bit cleaner.
watching as the time grows nearer...
for me to open the door.
cast aside the shadows and haze.
break free of the maze
burst forth in a fiery blaze.
before I too am but smoke in the air.....

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2011 6:50 am
by Absaroka
A good one
