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Not just your right but also your duty

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2020 6:52 am
by Diana Michelle
Tomorrow marks 2 weeks until Election Day. Some say this may be the most critical election in our lifetime however I believe every election is the most important election of our life. Be it a presidential election or a school board election each can and will affect our future and that of our children, grandchildren, and beyond. I was a very proud 18 year old when I first cast my vote in the primaries of 1972 and to my knowledge have not missed an election since, even single issue "special" elections.

IMHO there is not a greater right and duty we have as Americans than to vote. It is your obligation to let those in power how they are doing whether it be vote for or against them. I don't care if you voted for someone or not you have the right to complain about anything they do while in office however if you don't vote you have no right to say anything good or bad.

I have already voted absentee as I have for quite a few years now and to all of you who have already voted thank you. That doesn't mean my involvement in the election process stops there though. I spend Election Day driving people to the polls so they can exercise their right to vote. The back of the Tahoe will have 2 coolers stocked with bottles of ice water for anyone waiting in line who needs a drink. Also when dropping off a load of voters I walk the line should there be one offering to hold someone's place should they need a bathroom break or just needs to to sit down for a few minutes. Yes my vote is important but so is everyone else's!

I cannot stress strongly how important it is that everyone cast their vote nor my disdain those who shirk that responsibility. Do your part and vote but also do what you can to see all others do as well be it driving people to the polls, volunteering as a poll worker, take an extra bottle of water with you to share with someone else in line or whatever. Remember this is the most important election of your life until the next election which will be the most important election in your life and so on.

Re: Not just your right but also your duty

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2020 7:37 am
by Anthony Simon
This in the political area.

Re: Not just your right but also your duty

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2020 10:00 am
by Diana Michelle
I beg to differ with you here Anthony. Nowhere did I raise any political viewpoints rather tried to encourage all to get and have their voice heard. I didn't ay this side or that side or vote for or against anyone simply get out and vote! If anything I went out of my way to avoid stating any of my political beliefs though those who know me are probably well aware of them.

As I stated I have never missed an election to my knowledge and am proud of that fact for I view it as my duty as an American to vote. My candidate has not always won and even if they did then did something I disagreed with I would make my disappointment in them well known. However in my never to be humble opinion if you don't vote you have no right to complain.

Re: Not just your right but also your duty

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2020 2:00 pm
by KimberlyS
Thanks Anthony for attention to no politics rule. Since this does not take a "political" side or talk about any candidate, but only encourages others to vote, I am ok with it. I hope everyone will exercise their constitutional right and vote.


Re: Not just your right but also your duty

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2020 8:36 am
by Diana Michelle
Thank you Kim. I chose my words very carefully and edited the post several times before actually posting it to be sure it was not political rather a public service announcement. A democracy only works if all have their opportunity to express their views and do so.

I believe it was Voltaire that was credited with first saying

"I may disagree with what you say but I will defend to the death your right to say it"