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Locked New Members - Answered

Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2013 4:56 am
by Carol Esme
I'm just in the process of catching up after a bit of a gap in posting. I thought I'd start by saying "Hi" to New Members but found that I could do that only for very recently started threads. Others were locked. What is the rule here? Locking seems to kick in quite early.

Re: Locked New Members

Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2013 7:42 am
by SilverLady(SO)
Hi, Carol -

We do not let topics in the New Members section remain open/unlocked as we do in the rest of the forum, and topics are generally locked after 10-14 days of no new posts, which is standard for this section. If any of those topics turn into an going conversation then they will be locked as that conversation should be conducted elsewhere on the forum.

There were several topics that were in the process of being locked due to no activity and then new posts were added. Due to the length of time between posts (~ 10 days) the clock is not restarted with the date of the new posts and those topics were locked.

- SL