What do women want vs men?

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Anne Bonny
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What do women want vs men?

Post by Anne Bonny »

I believe men want love (the need the itch...sex), but they also want to be loved too (perhaps the way momma used to love them going more psychological...), and companionship. Men want to go do things...independence, freedom. (thinking Tim Allen's caveman line grunting and barking raaw raaw rough rough rough rough...)
I believe women want the same ( love and to be loved, companionship) BUT they want a dependable provider and protector, security, a champion in short. Someone not only to love them but to take care of them. Perhaps because I want these things too my desires are feminine and this is why I am the way that I am basically??? hum...
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Re: What do women want vs men?

Post by Kelly »

Hum indeed, Let me challenge your perspective Annie.

Men are powerful. But women are stronger.

Men triumph in the short term. But women's long term goals are realized.

Women appear weaker, but always seem to get what they really want.

But you are right. Both want love and companionship. It is just the means to the end. The way things work, and it seems to work well. Everyone gets what they think they need along the way to the end.

Just food for thought.

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Re: What do women want vs men?

Post by Anne Bonny »

Yeah...I am open... it was more to see what others think. Hey, I have achieved my longterm goals... I do not have the answers...I am just exploring...
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Re: What do women want vs men?

Post by Noeleena »


((( My desires are Feminine ))) Hmmm Okay ....what men wont and what women wont ,

Well from my point of seeing this no man was going to give me what i ....really needed....., that was taken away by a man , so why would i wont or need to trust another man is not going to happen ,

I have taken the place of A man and had to stand on my own two feet and take what ever came my way , and sort it out with out help from men .

As i see this , is being feminine being soft being trod on abused and rejected and used i was , or have i had to grow up strong mind you i had to wait many years before i could ,

Men are powerfull yes in the boys club and then do us over , love, Oh , nope they wont demand sex, that is not love so far from it and what they can get as well , with it ,

My Mother was stronger and Psychologically and had to be to put up with what she had to maybe not strong in the physical way of cause yet had the guts to do what she had to to stay alive to look at her those many years ago youd not think so .

When one says being feminine , is this seen form only when things are going well and no problems or issues try looking at it from my Mom and i in how it was and what we went through then maybe one would have thier eyes opened and understand when your under attack then look at women then then ask are we feminie,

Im a very strong woman and had to be other wise i would have lost the plot long ago, and this is not just words for the sake of whenyou go through these details you ? your self and ask can i get through this .

This some one to take care of and love them provider and protector security these last three have no meaning , i had to do that as soon as i was old enough and the love i was given was really only my Mom.

So as you look at this it has been women who were doing this not men , yes im feminine and so was my Mom , in what way will it be taken or maybe its seen in a different way ,

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Re: What do women want vs men?

Post by Ralitsa »

I reject the notion that there is much difference between what men and women want.
Both want to be loved and accepted for who they are.
Both want some one they can trust and rely on in difficult circumstances.
Both want to demonstrate their love for the other person by doing things for them, and both want that to be reciprocated by the other. This point might be manifested in different ways; one popular stereotype is for the male to go out into the world and earn money while the female stays home and lovingly prepares a nice meal. Essentially both actions mean the same thing: the person is using their time and effort to do something which is a benefit to their mate.

Once you get past these basic principles, all the details are so muddled in cultural habits, religious teachings, popular mythology, and watching too much TV, that I think it's impossible to say for sure what anyone really wants any more.
What really makes it hard to figure out, is that not many people can give an honest and accurate statement about what they really want for themselves. Usually they simply repeat what they have been told by talking heads on TV all the things they are supposed to want: bigger house, newer fancier car, tropical vacation, etc. One has to keep in mind that neither the producers of television programming nor the advertisers who pay for it, have the slightest incentive to promote the truth. And in fact have every incentive to delude their viewers. And since the '60s all popular culture has been defined by what is shown on TV, which in turn has been calculated not to make people happy but to be most profitable to advertisers.
So any conclusions one could draw today are fundamentally flawed because of this.
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Re: What do women want vs men?

Post by Anne Bonny »

The basic unstated undertone from the beginning of time about women is that they are submissive to a more dominant man who thinks he is smarter (thinks) and is usually larger and stronger and more aggressive!? Let's not argue about it it is a basic truth that exists between men and women, it's a fact that that is just how things work and most all women know this and not only accept it but want it...they look for a man to be their husband, to be a dependable and loving provider for the family. Women dress to attract, men don't In dancing women are the ones who are guided by the male. Women do not ask men out they expect a man to ask them out! Why are all these denials thrown up by women when this is their expectation as a societal norm!? Women want it this way, very few want it the other way even successful women CEO's...and would leave or not be attracted to a submissive man who looked to her.

Women deny all of this but it is observed all the time, I have...young women who are passive and not assertive at all it is just how women are may be the relative lack of any testosterone...we know men who are castrated are calmer and more passive. Physically either you have a poker or a receiver and it is difficult if you have a receiver to be the assertive one physically so it just works out that way. Women conceive and bear and raise children they are equipped physically and instinctively this way it is all just too much to overcome. Then comes society with it's norms and religion imposing it's will trying to brainwash women that this is their role, their lot in life! BUT!!! Women have equal intelligence, and there is absolutely no question they have a right to pursue any job they desire, with the same advancement, the same pay, and the right to finish at the top as leaders and CEO's. They are and can be very strong and aggressive or assertive leaders I have seen it first hand they can be really strong and tough.

Falling back though Most all women just enjoy and fit quite naturally into their wifely rather submissive role behind their dependable solid rock of a man at home. They may vigorously deny it all but is what it is. The overwhelming majority of women do not want a man who even at times yearns and enjoys being in what they believe is their exclusive role. Perhaps it is a nice place or perhaps it is just a natural inclination to be in it for them much as we at times wish they would take the lead and be more of a loving husband to us it is not likely to happen for us unless we are extremely lucky to find such a lady.
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Re: What do women want vs men?

Post by Pam T. »

For me wanting to be a complete woman I want a man to take care of me and provide for me and just be the total package. I have been that guy in the past that has had relationship with other guys where I have to be the guy and they have the passive role and I just want to have the passive role in a relationship.

I am not saying that all women should be passive, I am just stating on how I feel is all and how I want to be treated. I would love to be a house wife and take care of the house while my husband is at work and I also would love when he gives me his credit card so I can go shopping for myself and buy outfits that he likes me in.
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Re: What do women want vs men?

Post by Karen Ski »

IMHO there is not as great a chasm between what men and women want. In a way I am a bit surprised to read the old stereotypes still run as rampant as I see here. If Gloria Steinem were a reader of this forum I am sure she would have launched into a tirade by now!

The differences many of you girls cite btween men and women are more the 50's beliefs than those of the world today. June Cleaver is gone and I for one say thank heavens! Having seen life from both sides of the pink curtain, the first 50 plus years of my life trying to fake the male image and the past 10 full time as a woman, let me tell you women today not only want but expect the same things men have.

Both genders seek love and companionship, both are assertive in situations where it is needed, and both have soft submissive sides. It's funny but when we see a woman being assertive in a situation we tend to think of her as a "bitch" and a man submissive we refer to him as a "wuss". Why? Is it the fact we are born to think that way? I think not. Rather it is the way we have been conditioned to believe. When it comes to sex, believe me women can and are the aggressor many times. They have needs too and are not afraid to " go for it." They talk about men, sex, what they like or don't like in bed, and yes even orgasms. Sit quietly in a bar sometime and listen to a group of women talk. Eventually the subject of subject of sex will come up usually when an attractive man comes into view. Not only do they talk openly and frankly but also sometimes "dirty." Being the penetratee (is that a real word or a Karensm? :lol: ) does not mean one can't be the aggressor anymore that being the penetrator means so.

If there is any group that needs to shun stereotypes it should be girls like us. Rather than seeing women as the stereotype we dream of for ourselves see them as people and as they should be. Everyone is an individual full of beleifs, dreams, and hopes for their future.
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Re: What do women want vs men?

Post by Trudy »

I have to agree with Karen Ski here, in reality men and women want the same things. We all want respect, friends, companionship, support and I am not talking financial but yes that does come to play in some relationships, love and yes even sex. :oops: Both genders look for a partner that can fulfill those needs and yet for most part allow us to be our own person.

I just turned 65 I have spent a bit of time reminiscing about the "good old days." As I think back I have been in a few relationships, well maybe more than a few :lol: , where some but not all of those basic human needs were fulfilled and realize why they failed.

Don't get me wrong I see myself as a bit of an old fashioned girl. I like having a man open the door for me, ho!d my chair when I sit down, etc. but I don't see myself as a submissive or a 50's style housewife. My current relationship is perhaps as close to perfect as I have ever come. Bob treats me like a lady yet sees me as an equal as well. Sure we have a satisfying romantic life but we also enjoy each other's company and can be very happy just holding an intelligent conversation. (--)

My sister who is 3 years older than me was married when she was only 20, had 3 children by the time she was 26, and divorced at 29. I remember her bouncing from guy to guy for a few years before she met Larry. I jokingly refer to Larry as my "almost brothed-in-law". He is a sweet guy and he and Sharon have been together over 30 years. They do not live together but they are IMHO a perfect couple. They love and respect each other and even more importantly compliment each other.

Don't try to over think this ladies. What we want regardless of gender is as different from person to person as we are all individuals. Find that relationship that makes you happy and whole and enjoy it!
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Re: What do women want vs men?

Post by Pam T. »

I know for me when I was a male that I was expected to provide and think about the future and get married and all that but I didn't want any of that and nor do I really want that now expect for the fact that I do kind of want to get married someday and I want a man to take charge of me. I love the role where I can be taken care of and that I can take care of the man that I am with by staying home and taking care of the house. I guess we all have different outlooks on life and what and where we want to be in our roles that we created for ourselves or the roles that we were given.
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Re: What do women want vs men?

Post by Anne Bonny »

That's it exactly. Men and women are different we process information differently and arrive at solutions to problems by different routs. In marriage people here are saying "my ideas are dated...out of the 50's" well....not really I grew up in the 60's-80's so I do know the difference, I was a baby in the 50's born in 1957! I have very faint memories of the early 60's when house wives could still be seen in dresses sometimes, and television was still in black and white with iffy reception...
I was a witness of my sisters and mother, no brother around, in fact Dad was frequently at work, gone on trips, and served a year in Vietnam during his military career. I saw the ratting of hair, Fall's, Hair spray, girlfriends in and out...I was rather shy and suppose even then I had feelings wanting to try things but didn't at least for a while by the time I was 9 though I had indeed tried on feminine things in secret.

Wow...that's OT...

Even today, in our own marriage I observed and was aware of the differences in the role of a wife and that of a husband. My wife made me take the lead!! I had to be a man!! No complaining or feeling sorry for yourself. Perhaps my gender is more obvious than I think? I always felt we were equal but usually if we did not arrive at a decision together it was up to me at times... But both of us worked. Still I myself frequently wished at times she would take charge, and that sometimes she would at least once initiate the loving...how I wished she would but NO! Never! I was always in the traditional place.... I just wish I had a confident, assertive partner who at times would let me be loved, supported, and be allowed to go along for the ride supporting her. Not all the time but I want equal time. It just seems to me that women my age - 58 - vociferously complain about not being equal but in practice on the home front they are all into being loved, paid attention to, being supported, and wanting me to take the lead frequently - though we always discuss decisions - while she goes along for the ride holding my hand with a huge grin on her face!!! Hey! Let me change places once in a while I want to be there too!!!
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Re: What do women want vs men?

Post by Diana Michelle »

As I have said before in other posts and probably will again, everyone regardless of gender is different and what we want is just as varied. I think many of the above posts put it well as that me and women for the most part want the same things. Many croßdressers sometimes allow their view of femininity to cloud their views. To them the height of femininity is that of the 50s housewife, the June Cleaver syndrome I I'll call it. Karen Ski put it well in her statement that dead and all I can say is thank God!

I was born in 1953 so I am a baby of that era. My mother was always a feminine woman but I never saw her doing housework in a skirt, heels, and pearls. During the day it was jeans or in warmer weather shorts. Granted she would put on a dress or skirt and heels before my Father for home but it was not her attire for the entire day. Leave June Cleaver to the reruns and Halloween costumes and understand women today are equals to men! They want, expect, and most importantly deserve the same things as men.
Remember Ginger Rogers did everything Fred Astaire did only she did it backwards and in high heels!

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Re: What do women want vs men?

Post by Anne Bonny »

Equality is what I am advocating for. At least I always felt my wife was my equal, still it was her, not me who would actually get angry with me if I were to state I felt depressed, and she would push me to do what I suppose she felt I should because I was the man. Equality would allow me to be able to not have to take the lead always, and might receive an understanding hug of support if I was feeling down...and sometimes she might come with the moves on me leading to laying down together where she would at least half the time take the lead at least part of that time.... I suppose I do not understand what is 50's or old fashioned about this? I would think I am desiring equality.
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Re: What do women want vs men?

Post by Anne Bonny »

Hey...I don't look bad for 58....

Thinking this morning...What is it that women want? I am thinking from an evolutionary physiological perspective...A woman is on average smaller, not as powerful, and because she is the one who's role is set to produce and bring up the next generation of the cave clan...clan of the cave bear....right. Men tend to be larger and more powerful on average and are set up yeah sperm doners...but the other part of that role is the hunter, protector or soldier. Men evolved working in groups using their brain to arrive at strategies....Grog you go left, slog go right, twig...you go long....I will observe and come in at the end for the kill!!! When Grog get's his leg bit off it required a different strategy next time... Making weapons, and tools... Grog is carried back where the women look after him and gather apples and grapes and nuts and berries and firewood...they sit in circles and see who can weave the best wreath of flowers for their hair and get their feelings hurt and cry...but smile when their man comes in...(well this is supposed to be from a 50's perspective hahaha...)

Little has changed in reality. What I am speculating is that women still look for men instinctively in the same way. Their mates have a certain look, certain characteristics which have to do with being kind, agreeable, handsome, taller, stronger, dependable, smart, a good provider protector and throw father in there....There is a lot there that is unspoken a silent internal calculation women make in deciding who they will make a nest with or bring back into the cave to make whoopie....maybe they are good at skipping rocks, maybe they like feeling those massive strong arms and bodies? a good smelling musk? Ah...grog smells just like a musk ox....

So what happens when Slog wants to start weaving a wreath of flowers to wear in his hair, and asks Tima to stitch together a skin like hers? When Slog asks to stay behind with the women and go out to gather wood and berries and to take care of the cave and the fire to grill the meat?

I think my gender is a mix and the variation, the fact that I am on balance lean to the male side and am heterosexual still makes me a good provider, protector but I suppose my wife would feel I am competing with her?? I suppose women are confused by us...what do they do with us as a mate? Fine I think they have no problem understanding and being friends with men who feel and dress feminine but as a mate?

My interests on balance are typically male, but I am also interested in feminine fashions, in sharing and talking, but I am not crafty or into childcare....I might get in on an art project, or arranging things helping to decorate. Who knows...I might get into bead work, or making pretty jewelry, or making things...I suppose having never been invited to do such things I would just have to see.

Oh well being retired security is there so the provider thing is pretty much knocked out and I will always be able to protect...I just need a girl like Tima who is able to love me just as I am.
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