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It's snowing down south

Posted: Mon Feb 17, 2020 10:34 am
by Lauren
Had our Galatine's celebration the other day. It was fun and as we had reservations for a late lunch/early dinner at a nicer restaurant everyone wore skirts or dresses. After dinner all came back to my place for a glass of wine or three. One of the GG's had to powder her nose and after she came out someone said "It's snowing down south." I had to look as I really had no idea what she meant and I saw a white lacy edge sticking out from the hem of her red skirt. She adjusted it and sat down but led to a discussion of slips and I was not the only one who commented I can't remember the last time I wore one.

Got me to thinking after everyone left and I went to my dresser and opened the drawer containing my slips and saw the one on top and really had to think for a minute to remember when I wore it and why. I can remember the days I wouldn't think twice about pulling on a slip and now I never wear one. Do any of you wear slips anymore and if so it is an outfit dependent thing or just something you automatically do?

Re: It's snowing down south

Posted: Mon Feb 17, 2020 12:09 pm
by DonnaT
I've a pink, a black and a white slip I wear semi regularly. Needed for some of my skirts.

Re: It's snowing down south

Posted: Mon Feb 17, 2020 2:04 pm
by KimberlyS
I usually wear a slip when wearing a skirt. IMHO they are more comfortable and flow better. I have multiple lengths and colors. Love them.

On multiple occasions I have seen GG's that really need to wear a slip. I know it may be fashion to wear a skirt that is sheer, but I think it is tacky or looks bad.


Re: It's snowing down south

Posted: Mon Feb 17, 2020 6:12 pm
by Anthony Simon
I have quite a lot of slips and they're pretty easy to buy at Mark and Spencer (UK chain store). Different colours, lengths (I've got one super-long flesh coloured one, which I'm wearing now).

Re: It's snowing down south

Posted: Mon Feb 17, 2020 8:08 pm
by Diana Michelle
After I read this post I went to my slip drawer and after seeing the one on top I remembered the last time I wore one and why. TBH most of my skirts and many of my dresses are lined so no slip is necessary but there are certain times the skirt is clingy or maybe a bit to sheer for the circumstance but for the most of the times this girl goes without a slip.

Re: It's snowing down south

Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2020 7:01 pm
by Heather W
"It's snowing down south" OMG never heard that one ..rofl..

Somewhere in a drawer I have a couple of half slips but TBH I haven't a clue last time I wore one. With lined skirts and dresses as well as fuller cut skirts there is no need IMO. As for sheerer skirts? Just wear nude shade panties and let the guys drool. ..OO..

Re: It's snowing down south

Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2020 9:01 pm
by Eileen (SO)
Slips were much more common years ago. With different fabrics or lined dresses or skirts, slips are less common now. "Snowing down South", a friendly reminder to lady that forgot to check the mirror before exiting the powder room.
I am amused that terms like 'powder her nose' are still common place, while 'Snowing down South' is less so. And what's a Galatine celebration?

Lauren asked when we might wear a slip. For me, it's outfit dependent. Hubby has the same requirements. Between the two of us, we have maybe a dozen half slips and just a few full slips. For daily wear, neither of us need a slip. More formal occasions wouldn't seem right without a slip.


Re: It's snowing down south

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2020 1:55 pm
by Lauren
Galantine's Day is a celebration form a TV show, I think it was parks and Recreation. At any rate it is where a bunch of gals get together to celebrate when they either have no one else to celebrate with or a less than enthusiastic partner.

Re: It's snowing down south

Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2020 11:00 am
by Deidre Taylor
"It's snowing down south" ..OO.. OMG I haven't heard that one in years!

Growing up in the 60's with Mom and 3 sisters I can remember Mom saying "A lady always wears a full slip with a dress and a half slip with a skirt." If a blouse were even semi sheer a camisole was worn so one's bra was not visible. Back in those days there were even pants liners which were like a slip for slacks so they would hang right. My how things have changed!

Not that I wear a slip with lined dresses or skirts if it is unlined this girl has a slip on, a full one for dresses and a half slip with a skirt. Guess old habits die hard.

Re: It's snowing down south

Posted: Wed Feb 26, 2020 9:15 am
by Diana Michelle
Funny you should bring up full slips Deidre. I have a couple in the bottom of my slip drawer but TBH it is probably good been a good 10 years or longer since I wore one of them. If I feel a dress needs a slip I just pull on a half slip. Being smaller busted and taller than the average woman never felt a full slip fit or hung right on me. It does bring to mind a cute story from my past.

It was a year or two after I got married and Frank and I were going to a wedding or a party or something somewhat dressier. I had opted to wear a dress that was semi sheer so for some reason I put on a full slip As was my norm I was dressed except for my dress and checking my hair and make up for the last time before pulling on my dress and off we would go. Frank walked into the bathroom as I was and told me I looked exceptionally sexy just like Elizabeth Taylor in Cat On A Hot Tin Roof. I took it as a compliment as I always thought Elizabeth Taylor was beautiful in her day.

On the drive I asked about Cat On A Hot Tin Roof having never seen it. He told me it came out when he was 18, remember he was 13 years older than me, and he remembers seeing Elizabeth Taylor in her slip there on the screen and well let us just say being a typical 18 year old male it had a definite effect on him. We talked a little about the movie especially the scene of Elizabeth Taylor in her slip but the subject eventually got changed. I will say he was inordinately attentive as I got undressed that night and I intentionally left the slip on as long as possible.

I never really gave it much more thought but a couple of days later Frank got home saying he had stopped at the video store on his way home and got a couple of movies and of course one of them was Cat On A Hot Tin Roof. Remember this was 1988 or 89. After dinner he suggested we watch it and I told him get it set up while I changed into something more comfortable and yes I changed into the full slip. I will let your minds run as to what transpired as we watched the movie but I will say we had to watch it again the following evening so I could see the whole movie. :mrgreen:

I would bet there are men out there who have never seen their wife or SO in a slip of any ilk. I wonder if seeing a woman in a full slip would have the same effect on younger men?

Re: It's snowing down south

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2021 6:50 pm
by Ms Jane
I love slips and wear one every day either waist or full. The slips of the fifties and sixties are beautiful and getting scarce now. Over here the remark was sos, slip on show.