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The Grand Rapids Crossdresser Social Group may 9 and 23

Posted: Mon May 05, 2014 12:55 pm
by BillieAnn
We have another enfemme IN event Friday May 9th.
The next enfemme OUTing is May 23rd.
For more information please go to

Re: Grand Rapids (Michigan) CD Group

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2015 4:07 pm
by Brittany B.
Hi there I just came across your post. I am new to crossdressing have only done in private would love to find a group to dress with I am very passable and would love to find someone to take me out in public how do I join?

Re: Grand Rapids (Michigan) CD Group

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2015 11:19 pm
by SilverLady(SO)
Hi, Brittany -

First, welcome to the Haven! ..o).. Just a suggestion, but you should wander over to the New Members section and introduce yourself to everyone. :yes:

In answer to your query:
For more information please go to
We look forward to your participation, so don't be shy.

- SL

More Group events in Grand Rapids, Michigan

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2015 8:52 am
by BillieAnn
Oh My! More reasons to LOVE crossdressing!!!!

And I do LOVE October. Finally it isn’t hot out and I can stop perspiring under my wig, body shaper, corset, and padded panties. Finally I can feel the cool air on my legs. I LOVE the temperature differences from my well insulated upper body to my almost bare legs. I didn’t stop or cut back in the summer, just bought a cooler wig and wore more filmy clothes. It is all SUCH FUN!

October 9th is an OUTing. Let’s make the color theme black and red in homage to Halloween. Not costumes but definitely dark. Always blending in. As usual we meet at The Network. I am there by 5:30pm. By 6:30pm we leave and go to dinner at a restaurant we choose as a group. After dinner, depending on how fast the service is and how much gabbing we do, we usually do some window shopping. At around 8:30 to 9:00pm we go back to The Network and change in to clubwear. As always we prefer to be able to blend in. That means we should be able to walk through a mall and almost all of the people will not notice us. We may not be beauty queens but we are classy. I will be OUT enfemme all day from about 1:00pm if anyone wants to join me. What would you like to do?

October 30th is the Just Wicked party at the JW Mariott in downtown Grand Rapids. Admission is $10.00. I will be at The Network as usual at 5:30pm. Anyone needing to change can join me there. We usually go to a restaurant near the party and then walk to the party. This means dinner in costume at around 7:00pm. I will make a reservation. Please let me know if you are coming by the day before so I can advise the restaurant on how many seats we need. As always, the goal is to look like women, to blend, even if it is in women’s costumes. Last year I wore my petticoat, boots, red leotard, and devil horns to dinner and then stopped by the car to put on my wings for the party. This year I am wearing a ball gown and a tiara, plus my wand, to dinner. Then I will stop by the car for my wings. We may bar hop too, depends on the weather. But the Just Wicked party is a must. It is held in a big ballroom with a two story ceiling, cash bar, dance floor, good DJ with music not too loud, and about 200-300 people. Some of the costumes are amazing! I will be OUT enfemme all day from about 1:00pm if anyone wants to join me. What would you like to do?

October 31st is the party at The BOB in downtown Grand Rapids. Admission is $5.00 UNLESS you are in costume in theme, then it is free. The BOB party was a BLAST last year. The theme this year is horror movie characters. I am going as Elle Driver from Kill Bill as interpreted by a CDer. As always, the goal is to look like women, to blend, even if it is in women’s costumes. I will be at The Network as usual at 5:30pm. Anyone needing to change can join me there. We can go right from The Network to The BOB and have dinner there, at 7:00pm, like we did last year. This means dinner in costume. The downtown is going to be HOPPING with the Ionia Street party so we should go right to The BOB and have dinner there, thereby getting a parking spot early and nearby. We may bar hop too, depends on the weather. But The BOB party is a must. The place is PACKED! And last year the people were having FUN! I will be OUT enfemme all day from about 1:00pm if anyone wants to join me. What would you like to do? Want to go OUT shopping in a different costume?

November 6th is an IN meeting. The color theme is Thanksgiving colors. Got a burnt orange dress? A brown suit? Maybe a dark green outfit? The theme is OPTIONAL. As usual we meet at The Network. I am there by 5:30pm for anyone needing to change. You can come any time after 5:29pm. The actual gab session starts at 6:30pm. We will again be getting take out pizza from The Hut, chip in $5.00 if you want to eat. I will be OUT enfemme all day from about 1:00pm if anyone wants to join me. What would you like to do?

November 13th is an OUTing. Let’s make the color theme black and blue in homage to Friday the 13th. As usual we meet at The Network. I am there by 5:30pm. By 6:30pm we leave and go to dinner at a restaurant we choose as a group. After dinner, depending on how fast the service is and how much gabbing we do, we usually do some window shopping. At around 8:30 to 9:00pm we go back to The Network and change in to clubwear. As always we prefer to be able to blend in. That means we should be able to walk through a mall and almost all of the people will not notice us. We may not be beauty queens but we are classy. I will be OUT enfemme all day from about 1:00pm if anyone wants to join me. What would you like to do?

December 4th IN meeting Theme is Santa’s helper
December 5th OUTing Theme is winter white

*** Topic merged to proper ongoing topic by SL. ***

Re: Grand Rapids (Michigan) CD Group

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2016 9:38 am
by BillieAnn
DRAB to FABulous 2016 is May 4th - 8th! Four days of being enfemme and OUT in the general population. Not the usual Cder convention with vendors, doctors, therapists, and surrounded by a hundred CDers. This is as close to the real thing as you can get. As close to a long weekend with your gal friends as any GG would have.
Four days of:
Photo ops
Stroll in a park
Stroll through a mall
Trying on clothes at the store
Lunch in the food court
Lunch at a historic women's club
Trying on shoes at the store
Bachlorette party at a general population club
Formal dance in ball gowns and bar hopping after
Makeup session

By the end of the four days you will be exhausted.
Our website:

Email address deleted pursuant to our rules. [-X - SL

Re: Grand Rapids (Michigan) CD Group

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2016 9:10 pm
by KimberlyS
Sounds like fun, wish I was closer.

Re: Grand Rapids (Michigan) CD Group

Posted: Tue May 29, 2018 3:18 pm
by Annie
Does this group still exist?

Re: Grand Rapids (Michigan) CD Group

Posted: Tue May 29, 2018 5:28 pm
by Anthony Simon
Billie Anne hasn't been on this site for over a year, but there is an email address on her website - so you could try asking her directly.