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Loving wife of Julie

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2009 1:39 am
by Bernice
Way back in 2004 in March and April, there was another Julie (CD) on this forum, now retired. Ironically, that person, Julie, never felt as though she quite fit in with the rest of us. I didn't always support her viewpoints, and her anger was sometimes inappropriately expressed, but I was determined to be her friend. Some here were offended (perhaps rightfully) by her strong language, and others were not as supportive of her agonizing situation as they might have been. I am not taking sides on a war that is long forgotten, but I am sure that very few of us knew that her wife of well over 30 years was very, very ill, and he (Julie) was trying to care for her almost without any help. Julie's beloved wife Kate passed away nearly two decades prematurely, on May 8, 2004, ending what was many years of suffering.

Beauty (retired forum administrator) wrote to me that she made two announcements about Kate's death on the forum, but I am unable to find either of them on our forum now.

We cannot go back and read any of that Julie's posts, because in anger, Julie asked to have them removed, and they were, prior to Kate's passing. I think however, that it is appropriate for us to remember and cherish Julie's success as a loyal caring spouse: until death did they part. It seems equally fitting to remember Julie's beloved wife, Kate.



Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2009 4:41 pm
by Virginia
Hi Bernice,

I "think" I remember Julie. I know that we have had a few girls come on the forum that were outspoken and I guess each of us handle our interpretation of what they are saying in our own way.

Begs the question, how much help was Julie in helping his/her wife struggle with life? As a former caregiver, as you know my charge died back in October after I had cared for her for four years. Well, I guess I should say, Virginia (secretly cared for her.)

In another lifetime, I use to sell Long Term Care insurance and as a sales point (to mostly groups of macho men) I would use the illustration that how many of them would be willing to hand feed, change diapers, strip down and bathe and redress their mother-in law? How many hands went up - I can honestly say after the laughter had died down and reality kind of struck home, I still never had a hand go up.

Thus, this Gift, rears its ugly head and that part of us surfaces and strengthens us to "get the job done." Perhaps this is where Julie got her strength? :-k



Posted: Sat Dec 19, 2009 9:11 am
by SilverLady(SO)
Bernice -

We have and/or had several members with the name of Julie, which one are you referencing? If you know her full user name (JulieM, Julie Miller, etc.), please let me know and I'll see what I (or possibly Donna, our expert at searches) can find.

As a reminder, though, if a member has been purged/deleted from the forum due to inactivity or a dormant account, all posts/threads made by that person are also deleted. If we don't do that, then we'll have posts/threads which will look like they were made by a "Guest" author.

- SL

Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2009 10:16 pm
by Jadeanne
I remember communicating with Julie several times by PM and a couple of times by email but she was suspended for 30 days and she stopped communicating even by email.